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  • ReportAll Feature Service®

    Your Essential Esri-Compatible Nationwide Parcel Data Solution

    ReportAll Feature Service, an Esri-compatible parcel data service, brings ReportAll’s best-in-class data into ArcGIS® Pro, ArcGIS® Online, and ArcGIS® Earth.


    Seamlessly integrate our property line maps, boundaries and parcel data with property attributes for continuous real-time access. Simply copy and paste the provided client key into the ArcGIS® application (ArcGIS® Pro, ArcGIS® Online or ArcGIS® Earth) to view the parcel lines and attributes. Integration takes a minute to set up. ReportAll Feature Service may be compatible with other Esri products, but not supported by ReportAll.


    Choose from two options: Unlimited and Per-Transaction. The per-transaction model allows you to purchase data in bulk at a discounted rate based on a predetermined volume amount. You have one year from the date of purchase to use the purchased data and new data may be purchased at any time. Reasonable use restrictions apply.


    Purchase new data at any time and the expiration date of existing unexpired data in your account rolls over so that it, too expires one year from the date of the most recent purchase.


    Our parcel boundary data are continuously maintained with over 90 percent updated within 12 months and 70 percent within 6 months. For available attributes, see our our Feature Service data dictionary page.


    Get started with a 30-day free trial before you buy.

    For more information or to get started with a free trial, contact

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